Portfolio Companies

About Mintify

Written by David Nage | Dec 12, 2022 9:30:31 PM

Mintify is an NFT terminal for pro traders offering services for trading, collecting, and analyzing NFTs. 


Currently, the marketplace offers a range of NFT analytic capabilities. However, the features offered to users are fragmented and isolated. Mintify is the only NFT terminal providing a one-stop-shop experience for NFT users to gain access to valuable information (real-time and historical blockchain data, wallet insights, and more). Additionally, Mintify does not rely on third-party data; their team controls the terminal infrastructure internally. This allows them to parse their data and supervise the data’s speed and reliability. 

Mintify believes that blockchain-based economies will run on NFT technology. Many exotic assets will become NFTs, and participants will need exotic, customizable interfaces to support these assets. Mintify can support these assets and allow users to make informed trading decisions. Additionally, Mintify is working on a modular pro trading terminal that adapts depending on the asset class that is being traded. 
Mintify has three customer groups; the two primary are pro traders and NFT funds. Mintify provides sophisticated toolings for pro traders and NFT funds to manage their NFT portfolios. The other customer group is the average day trader, allowing those exploring digital assets to become more comfortable with the NFT space by providing a seamless user experience. 


Evan Varsamis, CEO and Founder,  is a New York-based entrepreneur who has been involved in the industry since 2016. He is the CEO of Gadget Flow, a well-known product discovery platform. He is also the co-founder of HustleClick and Creatorclub and advisor to Spring Fund and CrowdReach.